1. General presentation of the terms and conditions of use

You are currently connected to the website which is edited by BÉABA ASIA LTD.


Hereinafter, the terms "the site" or "the sites" refer to the website of BÉABA ASIA LTD., located in HONG KONG.

1.1 Identification of the editor (manager) of the website



Rm 902-3, 9/F, Shun Kwong Commercial Building,
No.8, Des Voeux Road West,
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 3690-2590

Fax; (852) 3690-2567

The editor undertakes to comply with all laws concerning the setting up of and activity on a website.

1.2. Identification of the website host

ReadySpace Limited
Room 311, 3/F., Fabrico Ind. Building
78-84 Kwai Cheong Road
Kwai Chung, N.T. Hong Kong
Hot Line : +852 3568 3372

Fax : +852 3568 3376


1.3. Technical information

It is recalled that the secrecy of correspondence is not guaranteed on the Internet and that it is the responsibility of each Internet user to take all the appropriate measures in order to protect his or her personal data and/or software from possible attacks by viruses circulating on the Internet.

1.4. Hypertext links

The creation of hypertext links to the website is subject to prior agreement by the Publication Director.  

1.5. Copyright

The full or partial reproduction or representation of the pages, data and any other of the website's constituent element, with whatever procedure or support, is forbidden and, without the editor's authorisation, constitutes an infringement of copyright.


 2. Intellectual proprety

The entire content (text, comments, publications, illustrations, images, etc.) displayed on this website is reserved by copyright and intellectual property rights throughout the world. To that end, and in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, only private use is authorised, subject to alternative or more restrictive provisions in the intellectual property code. All other uses constitute an infringement of copyright and are punishable by virtue of Intellectual Property, unless subject to BÉABA's prior authorisation. The full or partial reproduction of the BÉABA catalogue is strictly forbidden.

It is possible to download a copy of the documents on a computer for a user's personal use, but only for non-commercial purposes, provided that the user does not modify the information contained in it and that he or she maintains intact all copyrights and other references to ownership. The modification of these documents or their use for any other purpose constitutes an infringement of BÉABA's intellectual property right.

The user who has a personal website and who, for personal use, wants to post a simple link on his or her website leading directly to the website's home page, must apply to BÉABA for authorization. This will not, in any case, be an implicit affiliation agreement.

However, any hypertext link directing surfers to the website using the framing or in-line linking technique is formally prohibited. In all cases, all links should be removed on request by BÉABA.  

2.1. Databases

Databases are protected by virtue of the law concerning data compilations. Offenders will be held civilly and criminally liable for any extraction or extraction attempt

2.2. Personal data 

2.2.1 Disclosure of Personal Data

Data held by the BÉABA ASIA LTD relating to you will be kept confidential. BÉABA ASIA LTD may, where such disclosure is necessary to satisfy the purpose, or a directly related purpose, for which the data was collected provide such data to the following parties: 
1. any subsidiaries, holding companies, associated companies, or affiliates of BÉABA ASIA LTD; 
2. any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides services to BÉABA ASIA LTD, its subsidiaries, holding companies, affiliates, and associated companies in connection with the operation of their business; 
3. any other person or company who is under a duty of confidentiality to BÉABA ASIA LTD, its subsidiaries, holding companies, affiliates, and associated companies and has undertaken to keep such information confidential. 
4. any person or persons who have a right under the Ordinance to gain access to such data. 

2.2.2 Access and Correction of Personal Data

You have the right to: 
1. check whether BÉABA ASIA LTD holds any personal data relating to you and the right of access to such data; 
2. require BÉABA ASIA LTD to correct any data relating to you which is inaccurate; and 
3. ascertain BÉABA ASIA LTD 's policies and practices in relation to personal data. 
Request for access and correction of data and the kinds of data held should be addressed in writing to: 
BÉABA ASIA LTD., Room 1-2, 13/F., Kwan Chart Tower,

6 Tonnochy Road,

Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Or By e-mail:


BÉABA ASIA LTD may take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or permitting corrections to your information. In accordance with the terms of the Ordinance, BÉABA ASIA LTD has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request. 


2.2.3. Invisible collection of data concerning the visitor's browsing

We automatically save certain data concerning your habits on our website. We use this data internally to compile statistics about our users, their interests and behavior with a view to improving our services for them. This data is compiled and analysed as a whole and may include the URL of websites you have just visited, and the one you visit after ours (whether these URLs are on our website or not), the browser you are using and your IP address.

2.3. Responsibility

The website editor is not liable for any hypertext links introduced in the present website which lead to other websites or resources present on the Internet, in particular in terms of the services offered by these sites.


 3. Updating of the legal notice

BÉABA ASIA LTD., reserves the right to update the present legal notice at any time according to changes in the website's content and any additional protection constraints required.  Therefore, BÉABA ASIA LTD., invites users to visit this page every time they consult the website in order to read them.


 4. Scope of the content and BÉABA ASIA LTD.'s responsibilities:

All content posted on the website by a web surfer becomes the property of BÉABA ASIA LTD. Consequently, it may be used for the needs of the website as well as for all of BÉABA ASIA LTD.,'s activities, in particular our relations with its partners, unless mentioned otherwise or subject to an expressly formulated contrary provision.

BÉABA ASIA LTD., is not in any way liable for this information and, more generally, for all of the content posted online by the website's users.  

Ideas, opinions, comments, and more generally, content in any format written or posted by consumers on the present website is read regularly by our teams.  

BÉABA ASIA LTD. informs users that any allegations or accusations which are injurious to the honor or the reputation of the person or the organization to which the facts are attributed are considered to be defamation. Statements about another person, especially those which are defamatory, slanderous, injurious or racist may be punished by law. People with parental responsibility over a minor are jointly responsible for any damages caused by their child. Furthermore, from a penal viewpoint, any minor capable of discernment may be prosecuted. 

Participation in the website by a minor, for whatever reason, is not neutral and must be accompanied by parents or more generally by the legal representative.  

Web surfers are responsible for all the intellectual and industrial copyrights and, failing that, the associated authorizations and licences, concerning the elements (such as but not limited to, graphic, textual, audio or audiovisual creations) which they intend to use, broadcast, or publish on the website, in such a way that BÉABA ASIA LTD., may not be held liable in this respect.

If, despite the precautions taken, BÉABA ASIA LTD. is informed of the counterfeit or illegal nature of content, the latter will be removed immediately in order to ensure that BÉABA ASIA LTD. may not be held liable for whatever reason.