150 g of broccoli 30g polenta 20g chopped meat 1 tsp olive oil
160 g of cucumber 60g potato 20g grated cheese
180g pumpkin
150g fresh peas 1 white onion 60g Potato 20g of rindless ham 1 knob of butter
140g lettuce
10 g chicken breast60g potato80g endiveLeek whites 80g1 knob of butter
200g pumpkin 60g potato 10g salmon 1 teaspoon olive oil Dill
200g pumpkin 30g rice 20g minced steak 2 knife points of cumin 1 teaspoon olive oil
130 g Chinese cabbage 30g rice 30g chicken breast Juice of ½ lime 1 tsp olive oil 1 pinch of curry
150g carrots 30g rice 20ml coconut milk 30g pork tenderloin 2 knife points of cumin
180g carrots 15g rice 30g veal escalope 15g buckwheat flakes 1 knob of butter
200g frozen spinach 60g potatoes 20g salmon 1 knob of butter
130g cooked or raw red beetroot
200g pumpkin 100g potato 10g back of cod 1 teaspoon olive oil